
       Instructions for Investor Registration

  • Accredited investors are invited to apply for free registration.
  • Application/ Registration doesn’t guarantee tickets.
  • The SGC Summit team will verify your investor status.
  • Approved investors will receive free ticket confirmation by email. 
  • Please complete the short form to apply.   


Free Ticket

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Investors & Speakers

David Friedman

Chairman, TechCoastAngels
Managing Director, C-Level Partners

Joshua Y. Lee

Founder & CEO, Ardius
(Acquired by Gusto)

Keith Yoder

Business Operations & Investment Manager
Innovent Capital Group

Edmond Wong

Angel Investor

Steve Jones

Mayor of Garden Grove

Scott Fox

CEO, OC Startup Council
Entrepreneurship Author & Speaker, Angel Investor

Jerry Heikens

Executive Director, TiE SoCal
Founder/CEO, JTH Strategies

Ashish Saboo

President, TiE SoCal
Co-Founder & CTO, Startup Steroid

Anshuman Sinha

Chair, TiE SoCal Angels
Co-Founder & CEO, Startup Steroid

Janice Orlando

Pasadena Angels

Angel Investors & VCs attending SGC 3.0

Angel Investors & VCs who attended our last two Investor Summits :

Tech Coast AngelsSunstone ManagementTiE Socal Angels
Stanford AngelsWealth Capital NetworkOkapi Venture Capital
WefunderFirst RaysSlalom Ventures
Title 3 FundsFP VenturesPismo Ventures
Genesis BankCerracap VenturesCove Fund
Elante CapitalGEX VenturesCoulomb Technology
Fractional FoundersTrust CardMetz Capital LLC
Hangar 75 VenturesCLAOC2468 Ventures
Alleyway CapitalWolf and SnowAntha Prerna Foundation
Aura Investment PartnersNext Act AdvisorsVDOSH
Realty ONE GroupOC Startup CouncilPasadena Angels
Vanture StarterInvestors InstituteVC Engine
Capstone Partners Financial and Insurance ServicesExpert DojoHome Alliance
MEDA AngelsOctane OCPortola Valley Partners
Internet of Trust ShieldM&D VenturesArdius
Companyon VenturesEverestGoAhead Ventures
Stradling Yocca Carlson & RauthLong beach Accelerator
Tech Coast AngelsSunstone ManagementTiE Socal AngelsStanford AngelsWealth Capital Network
Okapi Venture CapitalWefunderFirst RaysSlalom VenturesTitle 3 Funds
FP VenturesPismo VenturesGenesis BankCerracap VenturesCove Fund
Elante CapitalGEX VenturesCoulomb TechnologyFractional FoundersTrust Card
Metz Capital LLCHangar 75 VenturesCLAOC2468 VenturesAlleyway Capital
Wolf and SnowAntha Prerna FoundationAura Investment PartnersNext Act AdvisorsVDOSH
Realty ONE GroupOC Startup CouncilPasadena AngelsVanture StarterInvestors Institute
VC EngineCapstone Partners Financial and Insurance ServicesExpert DojoHome AllianceMEDA Angels
Octane OCPortola Valley PartnersInternet of Trust ShieldM&D VenturesArdius
Companyon VenturesEverestGoAhead VenturesStradling Yocca Carlson & RauthLong beach Accelerator

Event Sponsors