basics of Startup Acounting and Finance
Online Startup Meetup

The Basics of Startup Accounting and Finance

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the basics of startup accounting and finance and why it’s relevant for any startup founder. Yesterday, we hold a Zoom session on the same topic and had over 35 enthusiastic startup founders joining the

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Leveraging Technology for Business Innovation
Online Startup Meetup

Leveraging Technology Trends for Business Innovation

In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to leverage technology trends for business innovation. Yesterday, we hold a Zoom session on the same topic. The session was great as we got around 35 startup founders joining the show and sharing

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Practice Your Elevator Pitch Live on Startup Pulse
Online Startup Meetup

Practice Your Elevator Pitch Live on Startup Pulse

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at all the relevant aspects that make a great elevator pitch. Yesterday, we allowed startup founders to come up with their pitches and practice their elevator pitches live on our Zoom event.

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The Importance of Storytelling in Startup Pitches
Online Startup Meetup

The Importance of Storytelling in Startup Pitches

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of storytelling in startup pitches. We were thrilled to have around 27 startup founders join us, sharing their pitch-related concerns and questions. The Zoom event was buzzing with burning questions, useful advice,

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Business Man pointing startup MPV
Online Startup Meetup

How To Develop Startup MVP?

In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to develop a startup MVP. Recently, we hosted an exciting webinar session on how to develop a startup MVP. We were thrilled to have around 20 start-up founders join us, sharing their start-up

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